Seacroft Clinic in Leeds reopens with ribbon cutting ceremony after year of major renovations

Seacroft Clinic has officially reopened after a year of being closed for major renovations.

The refurbishments were completed to meet the growing demands of the local area and work has included the introduction of a new mobility friendly entrance. A brighter colour scheme has been designed and there is dementia friendly signage throughout the building.

There are also 12 new clinical rooms and 25 hot desks for flexible working. LCH has said the building is now more energy efficient, with solar panels to supplement energy use and reduce carbon footprint.

Patients and services were welcomed back to the building with a ceremony led by Sam Prince, the executive director of operations at Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust (LCH). She said: “We are proud to have invested in the refurbishment of Seacroft Clinic. The renovations have really transformed the clinic which now offers an improved patient experience and will also benefit our staff that work there. I’d like to thank everyone involved over the past 12 months, supporting our plans to make Seacroft Clinic a great facility for the local community.”

Also in attendance was Coun Abigail Marshall Katung, chair of the scrutiny board for adults, health and active lifestyles, and the first patient to be seen at the clinic, Patricia Oxley. Take a look around the facility courtesy of these photographs taken by Steve Riding at the ribbon cutting ceremony.