These specific areas scored very highly based on top rated nurseries as well as primary and secondary education, with very good availability of local amenities.These specific areas scored very highly based on top rated nurseries as well as primary and secondary education, with very good availability of local amenities.
These specific areas scored very highly based on top rated nurseries as well as primary and secondary education, with very good availability of local amenities.

These are the best postcodes in Yorkshire to raise a family including these Leeds areas

Postcodes across Yorkshire have been revealed to be some of the best areas in the country to start and raise a family.

That’s according to new analysis from Property Detective who crunched the numbers to reveal the country’s most family friendly postcodes. The analysis, which has been shared exclusively with the JPIMedia Data Unit, looked at various factors ranging from access to schools to maternity units to determine the best places for couples to start a family and raise children around England. The report took into account the availability, quality and proximity of a wide range of amenities and services within every postcode district, including: schools, nurseries, parks and playgrounds, maternity units, NCT groups, chemists and shops (all scores out of 100):