These are the terror attacks on the streets of Yorkshire foiled by police

Since May 22, 2017, six terrorists from Yorkshire have been jailed, with a further five awaiting court appearanceslater this year.Since May 22, 2017, six terrorists from Yorkshire have been jailed, with a further five awaiting court appearanceslater this year.
Since May 22, 2017, six terrorists from Yorkshire have been jailed, with a further five awaiting court appearanceslater this year.
Since the devastating suicide bombing attack at Manchester Arena which saw 22 innocent people killed and 139 injured, counter terrorism police across Yorkshire have foiled several plots all with potential catastrophic consequences.

Since May 22, 2017, six terrorists from Yorkshire have been jailed, with a further five defendants awaiting court appearances later this year.

Here the Yorkshire Post takes a look at the evil crimes and plots that could have devastated our communities.

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Since May 22, 2017, six terrorists from Yorkshire have been jailed, with a further five awaiting court appearanceslater this year.Since May 22, 2017, six terrorists from Yorkshire have been jailed, with a further five awaiting court appearanceslater this year.
Since May 22, 2017, six terrorists from Yorkshire have been jailed, with a further five awaiting court appearanceslater this year.

May 2018: The banned Neo-Nazi group member from Castleford

Not only did Wayne Bell, 37, post an image on a Russian social media site showing a man being hung by a rope with a Star of David on his forehead, but he also described Jewish people as "destructive and vile".

Bell, of Mount Walk, Castleford, was also behind hate-filled graffiti.

A Crown Prosecution Services spokesman told Leeds Crown Court how in August 2016, Bell wrote in a social media post "The only way," below a photo of a police officer's foot raised above the head of an unarmed black man, lying on the ground.

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