Trans groups demand Leeds Lit Festival ban BBC presenter from speaking in transphobia row

Transgender advocacy groups and supporters have demanded that Leeds Lit Festival ban Dame Jenni Murray from speaking amid accusations of transphobia.
Dame Jenni Murray and The Leeds Library.Dame Jenni Murray and The Leeds Library.
Dame Jenni Murray and The Leeds Library.

An open letter, signed by TransLeeds, Non-binary Leeds, Yorkshire Mesmac and 13 other groups, says Dame Jenni is ‘an active transphobe’ and that ‘there is no debate as to whether trans women are women’.

Dame Jenni, a journalist and author best known for presenting BBC Radio 4’s Woman’s Hour, has questioned the idea that transgender women are ‘real women’. She has previously said she is ‘not transphobic or anti-trans’.

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Dame Jenni, who was born in Barnsley, is due to appear at The Leeds Library on Saturday to talk about her book A History of the World in 21 Women.

Leeds Lit Festival and The Leeds Library have said they are standing by their position.

A protest has been planned outside the library in Commercial Street at 2.30pm.

The open letter to The Leeds Library and Leeds Lit Festival reads: “Jenni Murray is clearly hostile towards the trans community, but especially towards transgender women.