Fear of judgement prevents half of the nation from exercising

A new study commissioned by Sure reveals that three quarters of UK adults have something that stops them from getting out and moving, a figure that increases for those aged 18-22 (91%) and those with disabilities in the UK (81%).  

The research uncovered that the top barrier to movement is fear of judgement (53%), with other reasons including feeling self-conscious exercising in front of others (46%), feeling uncomfortable wearing gym or sports clothes (38%), not feeling comfortable in their own body (29%) and thinking they are too old to exercise (19%).  

Barriers to movement

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These barriers to movement increase for those with disabilities in the UK, with 58% of those polled noting that fear of judgement stops them from moving. This is despite nearly one in five working UK adults currently living with a disability.  

Furthermore, the research revealed almost half (48%) of UK adults do not feel represented by sports advertising, athletes on TV and on social media - increasing to 53% for those with disabilities. Alongside this, three in five adults (60%) believe that society has a narrow view of what a “mover” looks like, with more than half of adults (53%) stating that these stereotypes make exercising difficult for those who don’t meet these standards.  

Sure has released an inspirational short video to launch the campaign, which has been shot with a diverse group of eight content creators and athletes, whose unique stories are also featured on the Sure Watch Me Move hub. The impactful video aims to celebrate those who defy society's ability standards, empower those who face judgement and work towards a future where people of all abilities feel the confidence to move.  

This new campaign is supported by the Sure Breaking Limits Programme