Shocking police video shows biker speeding at 100mph on busy residential streets

A biker who mounted the pavement and sped at 100 mph on a busy residential street was caught after police out his tyres.

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Corey Briscoe-McLeary, 38, admitted putting the public at risk through dangerous driving, with footage released by police showing the extent of the driver’s recklessness.

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Officers from the Met Police’s Operation Venice team, tasked with fighting moped crime in London, were tipped off by a police helicopter that a fast-moving motorcycle was acting suspiciously in Brent.

As officers began to make their way towards the location of the bike last Wednesday, the chopper reported that it had started running red lights and travelling at dangerously high speeds.

At one stage it disappeared into the Brent Cross shopping centre multi-story car park in order to avoid detection, but after a few minutes exited and drove off at high speed again.

Officers continued to attempt to track the motorcycle, which moved from Brent into Barnet through a number of main and side roads.

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It mounted pavements and reached up to 100 miles-per-hour in a 30 miles-per-hour zone without police vehicles behind it, before joining the M1 travelling northbound into Hertfordshire.

One of the specially trained Operation Venice officers identified the motorbike was now travelling down a road directly towards him.

The officer equipped a stinger – a device deployed on the ground which deflates the tyre slowly and in a controlled manner.

As the biker approached, the officer fired the device – successfully deflating the bike’s tyres and forcing it to come to a stop. Briscoe-McLeary was arrested shortly after.

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Sergeant Tony McGovern, of the Operation Venice Scorpion Unit who deployed the stinger, said: “I have been a police officer for 15 years and the manner of riding displayed in this incident was one of the worst examples I have ever seen.

"It was highly dangerous and this individual put his own life, and the life of other members of the public in serious danger, this was without police units in direct pursuit.

“The main focus of everyone involved in this incident was bringing it to a safe conclusion.

"We could not let the high powered motorcycle to continue riding in the manner it was – to allow it to continue would have posed even further serious risk to the public.

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